
How to use Brushes?

The Palette Window holds all available Pens.
Use the drop down menu, select a pen and draw.

How to use Patterns?

Patterns can be used to draw the 1st Color and 2nd Color simultaneously.
The default is solid and draws only the 1st Color.

Patterns and pens work in combination.
Meaning the pattern is revealed within the Pen Shape.

How to make Custom Brushes?

Create a new file.
Set the size to 32x32.
Set the color depth to 1bit.

The new file will look like this.

1bit is 2 colors, Black and White.
When creating your brush:
Black = Negative = No Draw
White = Positive = Draw

The placement of the white pixels representing the brush shape matters.
The brush will hinge onto the mouse from the center of the image.
Use the Custom Grid tool at 16x16 to properly align the brush.

You can use this to your advantage if you want your pen to be off-center for any reason.

Now save your file as a .bmp and drop it into the following folder.

WindowsXP: C:\Documents and Settings\(Windows user name)\ApplicationData\Humanbalance\GraphicsGale\pen

WindowsVista: Desktop->(Windows user name)->AppData->Roaming->Humanbalance->GraphicsGale\pen (AppData->Local folder for Fullversion)

Windows7: AppData-->Local->Humanbalance-->GraphicsGale-->pen

Windows8: C:\Users\(UserName)\AppData\Local\Humanbalance\GraphicsGale\pen

Now to update the list of pens.
Restart GraphicsGale or use Reload Pen/Tile from the Palette Window:

Open the pen selection and scroll down.
All custom pens appear alphabetically after the default pens.

Do you have some brushes I could borrow?

I've made a decent collection of pens.

You're welcome to use them if you like.
Download my custom pens from here. OLD Mystery Date
Download my custom pens from here. OLD 10/10/2013
Download my custom pens from here. NEW 5/20/2015

Click File->Download in the top left to get the zip.

Unzip into the folder listed above in the previous section.

If you make some cool pens or patterns I'd love to try them!

What about making a Custom Pattern?

It's the almost the exact same process as listed above.
The only differences are:

The size must be 16x16.

The meaning of White and Black.
White = 1st Color
Black = 2nd Color

Save your file as a .bmp and drop it into the same folder as your pens listed above.


  1. Thank you for the use of your brushes and the tutorial it is muchly appreciated.

  2. Thanks for your brushes and explanation!

  3. Thanks a lot. Thanks for sharing this information. I appreciate.

    Makeup Brush Set

  4. Thank you so much for the brushes and the very clear tutorials!

  5. thank you very much, I really appreciate the help!

  6. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  7. this is awesome! thanks for sharing
