
Palette Window

The Palette Window let's us create, save, and edit colors.

Selecting Colors
Colors can be selected from the Color Palette with the mouse.
Left click will select a color to the 1st Color.
Right click will select a color to the 2nd Color.

You can visually tell which colors you have selected by a square symbol shown in the Color Palette.

If you eye drop a color from the image that is in your Palette these symbols will move to the first occurrence of the selected color.
If the color that is eye dropped is not present in the Palette the selection symbols will not move.

Create Colors

coming soon...

Add Colors
You can add colors to your Palette from your selected colors.
This is most commonly done after creating a new color from the sliders.

Swap Colors
You can swap the position of colors in your palette.

When using a non indexed palette mode this will not have any affect on your drawing, and is purely organizational (altho we will see later why this is still important).
When using an indexed palette this will swap the index of the colors and therefore swap all instances of the colors in your image.

Copy Colors

more coming soon...

Color Depth

more coming soon...

Indexed Color

more coming soon...

How to save and load Color Palettes?

Duplicate your file and change some of the colors in a Indexed Color Mode (gifs are indexed by default)

Save your palette to a pal file from the palette window.

Now open a file that you would like to apply the new palette too.
Load the pal file from the palette window.

You will see the New and Old palettes compared.Uncheck the Match Pixels with Colors option.
This will ensure that all indexes are the same, thus having a direct palette swap.
Then click All and the New palette will be pasted over the Old.

Now all frames in the animation will use the new palette.

HouseLady by hapiel

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